Bart Clarys

How to help respiration problems with horses

How to help respiration problems with horses

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When we are breathing, air enters the body through either the mouth or nose, travels through the muscular pharynx, or throat, down the trachea, and into the bronchial tree of the lungs until it reaches the smallest unit, a clump of alveolae. An alveola is a tiny round sac, and they occur in clumps resembling…

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Horse too energetic or not enough energy

Horse too energetic or not enough energy

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Is your horse or pony too hot/too energetic or too calm/too lethargic? In this article you will find a great deal of information about the causes and what you can do about it. We look at the horse’s circumstances and the impact that feeding could have. Feeding in relation to the character of your horse/pony…

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Molasses in horse feed, the pro’s and con’s

Molasses in horse feed, the pro’s and con’s

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What is Molasses? Molasses looks like Golden Syrup. It is the syrup that is left over from the sugar production out of sugar cane or sugar beet. Molasses is used a lot in horse feeds as it has a number of significant advantages. The advantages of molasses Molasses contains 50% sugar. Because horses have a…

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